唔知點解突然之間想用 廣東话嚟打blog可能我太冇聊咗
不過講真嘅 當你打哂咗 你讀番出来 廣東話真係好好玩 好有趣
同時都晒咗我好多時間 我需要慢慢去搵嗰個嘅拼音 ~~~幾辛苦下
聽過人哋話打廣東話打都流汗沒 冇阿嘛
因為我開咗冷氣~~~~“好冷咩,呢度仍然係夏天" *唔晒理我*
而家嗰個都喺度講緊2012 ,聽都我都悶鬼晒 冇反應 冇意見
朋友啱啱叫我一起去睇 我要求非常簡單 俾我一部笑片
真係非常之艱難 竟然要出动到我嚟create comedy 失望啦
唯有同朋友出来飲下茶吃嗰包 傾下偈 咁樣仲好 仲開心
聽下我講嘅嘢 聽下我friend啲爛gag 唔晒收你錢tim
十分nice嘅一個show 节目開放暢談程度非常之闊!!
It's an awesome show , if you're free at night, or free like me during this holiday , spend some time in watching this, it's f darn cool.
what was the last topic i watched ....."GAY"
YEAH! chin sheng, go watch it XD hahahaha, no offence okay, i watched already.
the discussion was great, how they come out, how some of the parents take this, how the taiwan society view this, what activities they are carrying on, what problems they face during the coming out process , one hour show ...one hour i think?? not so sure about it.
anywayz, good show , good topic.
P/S : Accuracy of the cantonese words . i bet there are a few mistakes cause i barely read cantonese magazines, i do not know how to write cantonese words, they are from my memory of how they should look like XDXD it's acceptable and readable lol i hope
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3 months ago
i know the show
that was really 囧
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