
好彩我今日經過某個網站 發現到宮心計依嗰禮拜就做晒 !

幾surprise下 唔知點解會變成咁

拜六禮拜都做埋 都好嘅 我一次過追晒......追到sang一點幾 涼都未沖 =.=

都值得嘅 最後所有奸計湧 g 出来 雖然覺得有d仓促、快咗d

可能想俾人哋一d刺激感 感受下“冇心人”o架可怕 不過33集真係唔夠

杨怡真係奸到出汁 !! 我覺得有d地方好好笑、或者係有d唔恰當

例如杨怡嘅淫笑聲、奸笑 都好怪=S 最尾個幾集正出現有

oh yeah ! 仲有一點就係.....人死得太快啦! 犧牲者多都可以串起嚟


今日喺timesquare 睇七點場 食飽咗個胃都暖d

哈哈哈 e排都比較早食嘢 兩個人撑台脚XDXD 講笑啦



e部戲比上一部好好多 我係咁覺得啦 上一部悶都可以訓一餐晏覺

靚仔嘅身材我冇興趣 個人鍾意狼人同埋vampires o架打鬥場面

bella 嘅痛叫聲十分恐怖聽咗有d心寒 猶如一把鐵垂兜心fing過去 有冇聽者流淚咁誇啦


我唔評論咁多啦, 對依部戲冇特別嘅感覺



this is the one, the movie that drives me to watch, not due to boredness u know
but exactly the storyline, the whole package that intrigued me
so people, who wana watch it, then give me a call, im on !
lets watch it , hehehe
waiting...waiting, waiting the movie, waiting ur call

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1st Cantonese Post 真喺廣東話嚟o架!!

唔知點解突然之間想用 廣東话嚟打blog可能我太冇聊咗


不過講真嘅 當你打哂咗 你讀番出来 廣東話真係好好玩 好有趣

同時都晒咗我好多時間 我需要慢慢去搵嗰個嘅拼音 ~~~幾辛苦下

聽過人哋話打廣東話打都流汗沒 冇阿嘛

因為我開咗冷氣~~~~“好冷咩,呢度仍然係夏天" *唔晒理我*

而家嗰個都喺度講緊2012 ,聽都我都悶鬼晒 冇反應 冇意見

朋友啱啱叫我一起去睇 我要求非常簡單 俾我一部笑片

真係非常之艱難 竟然要出动到我嚟create comedy 失望啦

唯有同朋友出来飲下茶吃嗰包 傾下偈 咁樣仲好 仲開心

聽下我講嘅嘢 聽下我friend啲爛gag 唔晒收你錢tim


十分nice嘅一個show 节目開放暢談程度非常之闊!!


It's an awesome show , if you're free at night, or free like me during this holiday , spend some time in watching this, it's f darn cool.

what was the last topic i watched ....."GAY"

YEAH! chin sheng, go watch it XD hahahaha, no offence okay, i watched already.
the discussion was great, how they come out, how some of the parents take this, how the taiwan society view this, what activities they are carrying on, what problems they face during the coming out process , one hour show ...one hour i think?? not so sure about it.
anywayz, good show , good topic.

P/S : Accuracy of the cantonese words . i bet there are a few mistakes cause i barely read cantonese magazines, i do not know how to write cantonese words, they are from my memory of how they should look like XDXD it's acceptable and readable lol i hope

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Kuan Yi 's & Baoly 's 19th Birthday

This birthday party was so exciting and merry !!!
the major contributor to this was BAOLY !!!
Vanessa said" Ive never heard or seen people playing with secret recipe cakes"
Yeah, she did ,they did !!
grabbing the creamy classic cheese cake , chasing people madly and "piak" smash on their face
It was all peace and a windy .
But this is a sign before thunderstorm come in.
Started from the Heineken beer @ 11pm.
Baoly had a few sip from a bottle of heineken, we assembled to sing her birthday songs, and this was the time she got high , like super duper high ! she made us laughing and keep gasping for air.
I need the video badly, it's so hilarious and memorable.
The line that carved in my mind " Wooi, faster lah, 30 minutes more will be Moses's birthday already, come come" lol we're shocked that she was so concious!
The pose she made wishes XD
Okay, u guys all can follow her trend. Remember CNY hokkien "bai tin gong" yeah, she prayed in that way sincerely !! exactly the same XD
after all this, when we wanted to approached to them, baoly suddenly wiped some cream on kuan yi, the war began !~!

I tell you what, only had 3 lucky survivors,Me, Wei Huei & Sim Yee. 2012 was already happening here, why still go into the cinema and watch it. I was feeling it.
The floor was trembling so vigourously and people went to all directions. I was like running for my life away from Kuan yi !! she chased V and me so madly , me and V felt like a huge way was an inch behind us lol, saying kuan yi is the huge wave lol nah, doenst matter....I ran into the house cause i know sim yee was hiding in there lol V terkena then lol Wey huei on eof the victims, she was standing right there and suddenly we brought her this huge wave lol, she ran away too . We didnt dare to saty close with the 2 of them XD, wana have a taste of cake also have to open up our 360 degree vision

corns, sausages, ham, meatballs, vegie salad, fruit salad, malay kuih, chicken wings, pork slices, chicken slices,asparagus,crabsticks......sounds little, but it was just right , ngam ngam hou lol
Zhi bao gei was the best lol chin sheng tried out so many different flavour of chicken wings , eg. heineken beer chicken == , butter chicken, salted chicken lol
i like the pork sliced wrapped with vegie the most and the asparagus

Kuan yee , i know u've been on diet, and u totally explode yourself on that night.
but, u've been starving yourself for how long, why all the pictures show that you're in hunger.

Meishin and Jiayao

moses and ah hua XD
moses ' birthday was on 21st ,sekali gus wished him


this was when she started a bit tipsy
she lost her patience totally
"ooi, faster se elah, i wana see the pictures"
faster lah, fast , why so slow one

scott ,the late comer
im the 1st time seeing him joining our activity
very unexpected from the way he speaks lol
darn funny , i was like watching hong kong movie
Do you play in between?Do you play it without cash?
they do lol they enjoyed so much in this game !! XD

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My Irreplaceable 19th Birthday

17th November, My Birthday

these are the cupcakes i mentioned in the previous post.
my birthday cake XD
Real sweet as in they are prepared by my friends

say Hi to my college mates =D

Korean food @ Pj Area ....
now im posting this korean bbq pictures and reminds me of what happened last night lol
the Friday BBQ Night, which im gonna make a blog post 'bout it
I love grilling !! XD
spoilers - it was real fun with two crazy bufday girls

yeah, the pretty girl, Elaine ,mentioned by sim yee in her blog
sorry for not introducing you to her lol
me and vanessa havent seen her in a while, i think the last time was in her birthday? or when jagdeep last year in malaysia? lol
i really wanted to put in our high school photo ,having a comparison with now
i really dont wana ruin this "photo frame" XD
I was so darn fxxkin chubby in another word fat ==
and our hair were all quite short lol
Glad that u came even though youre purpose was to kill time , hahaha

sim yee acting cool lol

they are many more photos on fb
no point im showing here the same again
here's like a one brief reminder of the day lol

2 hours or longer waiting time
who says that i have no patience
lol this proves okay

Last Day of the Exam 's shot
colourful is always better lol

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One of my favourite past times - Drawing !!!!!

wau! I feel good~~~~~
XD hahaha, i havent drawn anything for ages like in 2 years time ==
I did a sketch on one piece during my revision period, and i was so hyped up to draw another one.....but i needa study.....
So here they come, my artworks =p
The 1st one i drew it last night
and the 2nd one this morning =D

Let's analyse this drawing, u know why i make it blur at some points, cause of the car =( I cant draw nice car ...the car spoilt the picture....but well, what i like is the man in the magazine and also the the woman putting make up on lol
You dont understand the picture?
it's a mirror, reflection ,okay.

Drawing done for today, will do it more often now .hehe.

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So Far the Best Birthday XD

I would say I truly enjoyed my birthday this year, it was awesome. Ive never had one birthday celebration as cool as this. Maybe it's due to the right timing after exam, all are hype up to go out, have fun to do everything anything that's interesting.
Also, this year wishes came in like a flood, 1st time receiving so many warm wishes , mum was the 1st one too XD

The day before my bufday was also the day 'most of us' finished our A-LEVEL EXAM!!! it was a big relief!!! Went to karaoke , had buffet....shouting ,screaming, dancing and singing along with the oldies !! how classic are they??? let me show u , part of the music are playing in my blog
MONICA - 张国荣登榜首-----Thanks thanks thanks thanks monica~~~~
宝贝对不起 -草蜢----宝贝对不起 不是不疼你.......

what i shouted at? LINKIN PARK'S SONGS !!!best way to relieve any of your anger or unbalanced emotions....NEW DIVIDE, WHAT I'VE DONE, NUMB.....i love their songs....but i was too high i think lol, sorry to look like a dumbx
here come the MUST SING SONG - 朋友!!! Sanmay 's tears dropped on our friendship,rating our friendship to the max man! value this college year , unforgettable moments!!

Oh yeahh, baoly can DANCE XD, it was sorta kinda quite hot and shocking to see you flow like a wave ,hahaha, move closer to angel next time

About my bufday XDXD

yeah yeah yeah, the day i waited the longest time for people. Estima Ampang team waited the longest lol We're the most on time people and posses over-flow ethics XD but well....I do feel sorry to keep u guys waiting , cause the others needed to rush to buy the cupcakes, needa drive safe and tracking our cars on this rainy day in the middle of traffic jam. I know some even lost their ways and still finding their way to reach us...really tiring. Angel 's temper was in total challenge while ensuring our cars were on the right path and all...sorry to bring u all so many inconveniences, and elaine ,hahaha, bad luck to choose dat car huh lol

I totally appreciate for ya all attendance on my b-day XD the cupcake was unexpected, been wanting to try it once, it looks sweet, it tastes sweet ** really a bit too creamy, and the sweetness fills up my heart. Enjoy nice meal together hasnt happened in almost 3 months after trial ....everyday woke up late, had brunch, had mixed rice, had dinner at home, had brunch, had mixed rice...it kept repeating...The dinner was lively, warm, enjoyable and fun.

Thanks for the treat, the cupcakes. Thanks to you all !! College mates rockss!!
I love the 17th November 2009!

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